Board & Coordinators
2022 - 2023 Board Members
President: Mark A. Martinez (interim)361-655-9134
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Executive Board; shall be a member ex-officio of all committees; and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed in this Constitution or assigned by the Club or by the Executive Board.
Vice President: Amanda De La Garza
The Vice President shall act as aide to the President, and assume all of the duties of the President in his/her absence. The Vice President shall oversee Fundraising if there is no Fundraising Coordinator.
Treasurer: Mark Martinez
The Treasurer will be responsible for all receipts and disbursements of the Club. Accurate and complete records will be kept showing all financial activity. Any disbursements for the purpose of deposits, advances or any type of contractual obligations must be in writing, stating all terms, conditions, and considerations of the said contract. All funds shall be deposited within seven (7) days upon receipt by the Treasurer in the Club’s band account at a financial institution approved by the General Membership. The Treasurer shall provide a written report to the General Membership at each meeting. A Year-to-Date report shall be made at the Annual Meeting in May. The Treasurer’s books shall be turned in for audit at the end of the fiscal year. A full Year End report shall be made at the first General Membership meeting of the new fiscal year.
Assistant Treasurer: Priscilla Pena & Heather Hernandez
The Assistant Treasurer shall act as an aide to the Treasurer and assist with providing accurate and complete records showing all financial activity. The Assistant Treasurer will advance to treasurer’s position when current treasurer vacates position.
Secretary: Barbara Tipton
The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the Club and of the Executive Board and make available copies of the minutes within one week of each meeting. The Secretary shall distribute copies of the general meeting to the members at the next General Membership Meeting. The Secretary shall attend to correspondence of the Club and shall read any incoming correspondence at the meetings, and will also be responsible for posting an agenda prior to each General Membership Meeting.
Parliamentarian: Ricky DeLaGarza
The Parliamentarian shall advise the presiding officer on parliamentary law and matters of procedure when requested. The presiding officer may call on the parliamentarian at any time. Members desiring parliamentary information must make their request to and through the presiding officer. Only upon the presiding officer’s request is the parliamentarian permitted to rise and explain a parliamentary point to the assembled members. The parliamentarian should be thoroughly familiar with the Club’s parliamentary authority, taking precedence of the following order: University Interscholastic League Booster Club Guidelines, Victoria Independent School District Booster Club Guidelines, Victoria East High School Band Sponsors Club Constitution, and Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.
Fundraising Coordinator: Veronica Vargas
Assistant Fundraising Chair: OPEN
The Fund Raising Coordinator shall oversee and keep records of all Fund Raising activities of the Club. Fund Raising Coordinator will consult with the Treasurer on how funds will be handled prior to the fundraiser. The Executive Board will resolve any conflicts. The Fund Raising Coordinator will submit a proposal to the Executive Board on the type and quantity of Fund Raiser(s) each year. The Executive Board will approve all Fund Raising activities. All Fund Raising funds shall be turned over to the Treasurer within seven (7) days of receipt by the Fund Raising Coordinator.
Concession Coordinator:
Assistant Concession Coordinator: Rebecca Parades
The Concession Coordinator shall act as concession chairperson for the Club. The concession chairperson, or designees, is responsible for coordinating workers in the concession stands for football season, UIL Marching Contest, UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest, and any other events for which the Club shall have charge of concessions.
Purchasing Agent: Heather Rocha
The Purchasing Agent shall act as purchasing agent for the Club. A purchasing agent is responsible for all purchases made by the Club for use in the concession stands during the football season, for UIL Marching Contest, UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest, and any other events that may occur whereby purchasing services are needed. The Purchasing agent also obtains price quotes as need arises.
Assistant Purchasing Agent: Shannon Perry
The Assistant Purchasing Agent shall act as an aide and assist the Purchasing Agent in the purchases made by the Club for use in the concession stands during the football season, for UIL Marching Contest, UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest, and any other events that may occur whereby purchasing services are needed and obtain price quotes as need arises.
Volunteer Coordinator: Lupe Flores
The Volunteer Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating workers for all band booster functions. The Volunteer Coordinator will strive to form a list, which matches the needs of the booster club with the abilities and availability of workers. The Volunteer Coordinator will work closely with event chairpersons and the band directors to ensure all activities have adequate volunteers. The Volunteer Coordinator will distribute information on fund raisers, club activities, and any other pertinent business to the students and the parents.